
21 acres – the beginning of a dream

There was a time that when someone mentioned Amazon, your first thought was the amazing South American rainforest rather than the global retail phenomenon. Back when Jeff Bezos was still selling books only and the self-adhesive leather repair patch had yet to be invented, Stephan and I were busy selling furniture and quickly realising the industry’s negative impact when it came to deforestation and landfills. The latter led to us to create MastaPlasta, which now, like Bezos’ Amazon, seems such a normal thing but back then was a revolution (Note from Stephan: “I’d rather have invented Amazon.” Note from Donna: “Stop kidding yourself, we have much more fun than Jeff Bezos!”)

Our concern for deforestation led us to buy 21 acres of Amazon rain forest to donate to indigenous tribes via the World Land Trust (patron: Sir David Attenborough no less). It is something we are really really proud of. While MastaPlasta has its favourite charities now – among them Centre Point and UK anti slavery and human trafficking charity Unseen – we have decided to resume our old relationship with World Land Trust. So you can be assured that a little bit of your purchase price will be going to some really great causes – causes that I think every customer of ours would be just as proud as we are to be able to help.