Thank you, for everything, Your Majesty
/in ScrApBoOK /by MastaPlasta
Farewell to a great lady.
We’ve gathered as a kingdom, as a commonwealth of nations and even as a world to pay tribute and reflect on someone who embodies a near-century of history. Our queen seems to have met an impossible number of people – she even met us. She paused to chat, fully engaged, to our director Stephan Pavlou (left) when we were invited to Buckingham Palace on receiving two Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in 2017.
It feels now like we have all come together round a campfire at twilight to listen to stories of this woman, who vowed to serve all her life and did just that. The Gaelic and Welsh languages wind themselves like smoke through the proceedings as we catch a glimpse of ourselves as part of something ancient.
The Queen does not appear to have been in the least bit materialistic – and we know great wealth has never stopped that trait in others. Nor was she interested in following fads and fashions. She seems instead to have preferred those values we might call humanity – a determination to look for the good in everyone, a love of animals, honest straight-forwardness and that all-important sense of fun that brings joy to life. All the time remaining some sort of pillar around which our democracy can function. We can only imagine how many vainglorious presidents (mostly men I am sure), political scandals and hoo-ha she has saved us from.
Well that is what we are thinking now anyway.
So in the words of Paddington – someone give that bear an OBE! – we’d like to say thank you, for everything.
Patents Part 1
/in ScrApBoOK /by MastaPlastaA rough guide to Intellectual Property and the hottest IPster hangouts
You may have noticed we have some patent numbers on our products. We currently have two patents and one patent pending. You may also have noticed the little ® above our logo – this shows we have a Registered Trademark. These numbers and symbols act like talismans – protecting unique properties of our business – our specialised technology, designs and names. Together these things are known as Intellectual Property. Of all of these, the patent is the jewel in the crown.
We were making and selling our own line of seriously cool sofas and chairs (I know I’m bias, but we did have World of Interiors, Living Etc, The Guardian and hundreds of other publications featuring us and our designs – plus Queer Eye and other TV shows) when we realised there was a gap in the market for a product that could mend a hole in upholstery.
We had stores in London’s Spitalfields, Covent Garden, Notting Hill and Columbia Road and Manchester’s Northern Quarter. We had so many inquiries from hopeful and somewhat desperate people who, seeing we had our own workshop, hoped we might be able to mend their damaged sofas for a reasonable cost. Most had trawled reupholstery firms and come away shocked at the prices – and that was before the bill for transporting their sofas to and from the repair shops.
Other people had used mobile leather repair firms only to discover that when the hole quickly reappeared, this kind of solution carried no guarantee.
Being in the business of moving thousands of sofas around a year, we also knew a) how easy it was to put a hole in a beautiful new sofa b) how hard and expensive it was to mend – even if you had your own workshop.
We put our design skills to a solution that would revolutionise repairing stuff. When our “Band-Aids” for leather began to take shape, we knew there was nothing like it in the world. But when it comes to patents, that is not enough; you have to prove it.
If you do have a unique idea then a patent is a really good idea, but only if you think you, or an interested party, can actually get it to market. It is a very long and expensive process. Even if you just want to hold a patent in one country, the patent authorities look in every nook and cranny to make sure that the idea has never existed before … in any part of the known universe.
It means that prior to 2009, there was nothing on the internet, in the shops, in books or on record anywhere of a self-adhesive patch for upholstery.
So being awarded a patent is a pretty big deal. You will get your name and invention listed in the British Library plus you get to strut around calling yourself an inventor. And when you have grown up reading Professor Branestawm books that is a childhood dream come true.
If your invention proves to be a bit of a hit, then you will see it start taking off and customers will say things like: “Genius – why didn’t anybody think of this before?”*
All this kind of thing gets noticed. You may get calls from the media and a few awards thrown your way. Inevitably though, you will attract something else: the copycats. First of all it’s just one but, like weeds, when you cut down one, 10 will spring up.
This is when you discover all the help there is out there and how important it is to protect your Intellectual Property. It is also worth noting that some copyright and elements of design work can be automatically protected but you may still need to take steps to ensure your rights to these works can be proved.
In the UK, we are lucky enough to have the brilliant campaigning organisation Anti-Copying in Design. We recommend them to anyone with Intellectual Property to protect – from inventions to copyright on artwork and designs. I think we would feel naked without them! Acid even provides time-locked “safety deposit boxes” where you can post your work in order to verify ownership should the need arise.
Acid was founded by a designer who was ripped off – and so was Snapdragon, a hi-tech team of brand superheroes based at their ”lair” in Edinburgh. They have built the technology to snare counterfeits and copyright thieves online around the world. And the British Library itself offers fantastic support for budding inventors.
As well as Intellectual Property lawyers, like our very own Mark Jolly at Wilson Gunn, governments around the world are usually great sources of advice on securing your IP – after all Intellectual Property is a national resource! People creating new ideas and designs help create new wealth for the economy.
*The reference to strutting around, the awards and accolades and general love-in recorded here are all based on MastaPlasta’s experience :)
21 acres – the beginning of a dream
/in ScrApBoOK /by AnkitmastaThere was a time that when someone mentioned Amazon, your first thought was the amazing South American rainforest rather than the global retail phenomenon. Back when Jeff Bezos was still selling books only and the self-adhesive leather repair patch had yet to be invented, Stephan and I were busy selling furniture and quickly realising the industry’s negative impact when it came to deforestation and landfills. The latter led to us to create MastaPlasta, which now, like Bezos’ Amazon, seems such a normal thing but back then was a revolution (Note from Stephan: “I’d rather have invented Amazon.” Note from Donna: “Stop kidding yourself, we have much more fun than Jeff Bezos!”)
Our concern for deforestation led us to buy 21 acres of Amazon rain forest to donate to indigenous tribes via the World Land Trust (patron: Sir David Attenborough no less). It is something we are really really proud of. While MastaPlasta has its favourite charities now – among them Centre Point and UK anti slavery and human trafficking charity Unseen – we have decided to resume our old relationship with World Land Trust. So you can be assured that a little bit of your purchase price will be going to some really great causes – causes that I think every customer of ours would be just as proud as we are to be able to help.
© MastaPlasta Ltd 2010-2025

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