A shout out to those customers enjoying the sartorial freedom of lockdown – the wardrobe mash-ups, the daring combinations of blues and greens that should never be seen – and let’s face it, no one will – the donning of that ballgown that was destined to be worn once only until now when breakfast in a ballgown seems perfectly acceptable as there’s no one judging. We are all hoping for new beginnings after lockdown and maybe we will emerge feeling a little freer within ourselves, less obliged to conform to peer pressures and norms. That’s the fuel of creativity. When we started out, a lot of people we encountered thought it was somehow taboo to have a patch on a sofa – patches were for embellishing or mending clothes, not furniture. That was more than 10 years and nearly a million patches ago! It just goes to show that what you are dreaming up today in the homes that have lately become our universes could go changing the universe tomorrow. So here’s to our quarantine eccentricity and creativity – and a world where we try to make the most of the stuff we already have. #NuffStuff :)
MastaPlasta: The Lockdown Diaries Part 1